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Showing posts from August, 2012

Los Angeles Christian Church Culture & Plugging In

I'm trying to plug into a solid Church in Downtown Los Angeles, which is not an easy task. First of all, I'm from Orange County, which is - when you look at it, in many ways, a different culture itself. LA has its districts. It's got it's cool kids, it's ruffians, it's goons, and lest we not forget there are many cultures of different ethnic groups, each with varying degrees of assimilation into what we'll call the monoculture of Los Angeles. Now, just so I don't offend, let me first say that I understand that everyone likes to worship differently, and as a person who cherishes religious pluralism, I want to say that If you like one of the styles of worship I find uncomfortable or distracting, I'm not saying you or your style of worship is wrong or bad or shouldn't have lots of parishioners. But I come from the Non-Denominational and subtle Baptist style of worship, and was looking for similar for what I would find in Orange County. Like Vine

Jackson A Pearce & Homophobic Chicken Cravings

This Chick-Fil-A Thing Getting A Little Carried Away. This Is My Response To Jackson A Pearce And Her Chick-Fil-A Rants. I caught this viral video from JacksonAPearce and Upworthy, a blog who initially i had circled and was starting to like, until i really started hearing what they were saying. Now i understand what people mean when they say that "Liberalism" is about pushing an agenda to everyone. No longer are we okay with the melting pot being a place where everyone can make a name for themselves, and believe what they want to believe. In just a short span of time, homosexual and atheist America are seeking to subvert the morales, and traditions that have long since existed in cities all across this nation. The black becomes white, the white black, and then they all are bled with a copious amount of gray; so much gray that we don't realize where black is, nor where white. You turn your head at the fork left or right, seemingly the landscape has been changed