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Showing posts from July, 2014

Gaystapo, The Queen James Bible, The Androgynous New NIV Bible, and Zondervan (Harper Collins) also Publishing the Satanic Bible

Gaystapo, The Queen James Bible, The Androgynous New NIV Bible, and Zondervan (Harper Collins) also Publishing the Satanic Bible July 24, 2014, Original Post Can Be Found Here I wanted to talk about this article that I recently read by David Badash: Gaystapo' Editor: 'I Penned A Theologically Based Article Stating My Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs' From what I can tell, the Queen James Bible is an attack on Christianity by the liberal and LGBT friendly community to manipulate the Bible to bend to their sins. We have seen the push for people to be more inclusive, but it should not include being inclusive to actions which are causing the degradation of their culture, society and religion.  I have to tell you right now, I don't count LGBT as a people, nor more than I count a group of racquetball players as a people. They are joined by an activity. This does not make them a race; nor does it make them sacrosanct in ...

I feel like Christian dating is like a Rumspringa in a Sense

I feel like Christian dating is like a Rumspringa in a Sense Original Post is located here:!245 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 ESV 14  Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15  What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? Rebecca from Breaking Amish I wrote this to a woman who was looking for a man who followed Christ online, and never got a response. It was a seriousinquiry, because so often I find that people have basically taken what they like about Christianity, and left the rest. You are beautiful, and super intriguing. That being said, I've said that I think that the only real Christians left seem to be Amish & Mennonite; and although I'm nowhere near living like the Amish, mostly out of fear and a love for tech - I feel like Christian dating is like a Rumspringa ...