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Showing posts from 2014

Would Someone Mention the Khalafah or Sharia Law in this Back and Forth?

Reza Aslan wrote a book he titled, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth - A book many Christians including myself feel is blasphemous.  Aslan comes off as an intellectual, while criticizing comedian Bill Maher and CNN Hosts, but he misses some pretty easy facts. First off, nobody mentioned the Caliphate (Khalafah) in this back and forth. Sharia law was brought up briefly, but easily ignored with this argument of individuality, political forces which have nothing to do with religion or geographical dissimilarities between religious practices. What Reza Aslan fails to realize is that many of the countries we are talking about are theocracies, and controlled by an Imam or a religious autocracy. He uses feminism as a way to dissuade the hosts from thinking negatively about Islamic Countries, and he tries to suggest that countries are not Muslim, people are . . . but doesn't concede that people are acting together with their governments and within radical Islam...

The Truth About Israel and Palestine & 10 Misconceptions Preventing Peace

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace i love it when people try and make complicated issues more easily understood through bite size chunks of oversimplified information (sarcasm and total lack of sarcasm included). I'd rather they not be bite size chunks of propaganda, but people are biased.  i rather liked Richard Fecteau3's link to Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio: 'An excellent historical primer on the situation "The truth about Israel and Palestine I usually don't like listening to Atheists talk about religion, mostly because they admittedly don't get it. It's not their bag. Nevertheless, this video is artistic and worth a gander, and the video below is an interesting listen, if anything, just for perspective. 

Why Can't She Have A Great Big Manly Heart? A Look at Misogyny, Men, Women, and Society

Why Can't She Have A Great Big Manly Heart? A Look at Misogyny, Men, Women, and Society Original Post can be found here:!249 I'm looking at men and women, at dating, and I'm hearing all these things that women hate about men. Men do this to them, and that to them, and men don't allow women to do this, or that. They try and tell them WHAT THEY SHOULD DO WITH THEIR BODIES, not readily accepting that YES, women in turn tell men WHAT THEY SHOULD DO WITH THEIR BODIES. There is this built up expectation on what it is to be a man, and yet a women is supposed to be able to be anything, anything her little heart desires. And even calling her heart little is demeaning to some, because why can't she have a big heart, a great BIG MANLY heart? What I wanted to analyse initially was how women reconcile being a woman in Christianity with the different cultural mores and belief systems at play between women's lib and growing up in a society where t...

Gaystapo, The Queen James Bible, The Androgynous New NIV Bible, and Zondervan (Harper Collins) also Publishing the Satanic Bible

Gaystapo, The Queen James Bible, The Androgynous New NIV Bible, and Zondervan (Harper Collins) also Publishing the Satanic Bible July 24, 2014, Original Post Can Be Found Here I wanted to talk about this article that I recently read by David Badash: Gaystapo' Editor: 'I Penned A Theologically Based Article Stating My Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs' From what I can tell, the Queen James Bible is an attack on Christianity by the liberal and LGBT friendly community to manipulate the Bible to bend to their sins. We have seen the push for people to be more inclusive, but it should not include being inclusive to actions which are causing the degradation of their culture, society and religion.  I have to tell you right now, I don't count LGBT as a people, nor more than I count a group of racquetball players as a people. They are joined by an activity. This does not make them a race; nor does it make them sacrosanct in ...