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Don't Belittle My Beliefs to Promote Your Own

Here's one of the many things I detest about the NoH8 campaign, the gays that are blatantly fighting for a hierarchical position as a family structure, women who believe that they need to have everything just so that they aren't being "taken advantage of" and liberals who don't understand Christianity.

Don't belittle my beliefs to promote your own. I understand you might not accept Jesus Christ as your savior, but don't try to evaporate or water down the religion by making it "uncool" to believe in it verbatim. Sure there were things that went down in the Bible that aren't popular ways of doing things today - but you have to understand the Bible encompasses thousands of years of history. Taking the passages out of context, is something a kid might do. Don't feed the straw-man argument. You are better than that.

Writing up flow diagrams - also childish. If you want this society to be degraded to the point where everyone is just shouting "MINE!!" like a 3 year old, keep up the gays are better than other people campaign. And don't expect me to sit idle while you call everyone idiots for not letting you have your way and then get all touchy feely when someone smacks you with truth.

But if you want some serious conversation of why homosexuality is an "alternative lifestyle" and reserved for the outliers in a society, we can look at a number of different points in history, some physiological data, parenting and morality concerns and cross-section it with data and examples as well as how homosexuals in general view open sexuality and hedonism.

Let's stop feigning like the gays are all spiritual and have their own religion. They want. They are screaming MINE!! It's one thing to reject the norm, and go your own way. But to do so, and then double-back, get pissed at the norm for not going your way in the first place, and then trying to change society through social pressure-cooker-like statements like: "you are stupid if you don't believe that homosexuals can have great family structures." Or "you are a bigot if you don't treat homosexuals like a race of people." That's a bit much.

I'm tired of having the gays shove their agenda down my throat and act like I can't say anything about it, because then they shout BIGOT; while they openly desecrate scripture and Holy figures as part of their humor.

To the people who read this flow chart & agree: YOU GROW UP!!

It's interesting that the NoH8 campaign is filled with those who have hatred towards God, or religion, and who have come in a different direction, not requesting but demanding that not only do we hear their pleas for what they call equality, but also their agenda as domesticated and logical. One of the fallacies used by the NoH8 campaign is by using Christianity against itself. They will use the Bible to subvert the Bible, while not believing in it's validity in the first place. In this way they act as the Pharisees & Sadducees did when they utilized Judaic Law and laws of the land for their own benefit.

Society has moved away from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The way that we look at the world now has much influence from decadence and capitalism - both of which Jesus discouraged. Love is interwoven throughout the message of Christianity. Homosexuals and the NoH8 pundants will use woman's liberation as one of backbones of their cause. It is because they can influence women much more easily by endearing their sense anger towards men, their feelings of being let down by a patriarchal society, their sense of fashion, and social aspects of feminism to garner more votes for themselves. 

Jesus was at constant odd with the Pharisees and Sadducees, because they were using the laws to extort the people, and because they found power in their position, not in the God of Heaven. They were fearful of losing their power, and hungry to utilize their knowledge of the law against someone like Jesus Christ. By rejecting the Son of Man, they played an interesting role in the betrayal of Christ. The Bible has several examples of how woman were portrayed, often times as a 2nd class citizen, whereby Jesus speaks truthfully and honorably to woman, and gives them a role in his Kingdom which is much different from the role men have been given.

Jesus acknowledges that men and woman are different, and yet he treats them both with respect and dignity. Over the years, it has been said that woman are oppressed and that even a certain misogyny exists within Christianity - and to that, I will state that I have seen in my lifetime, women stop celebrating being woman, and start and successfully take up the duties and occupations that were generally prescribed to men. Also, there has been much emasculation occurring from Hollywood, and the feminist camp which positions men in this dumb hulk role whereby positioning women over the man like an intelligent overseer. We don't have a masculine movement. Maybe that is something that will come after this LGBT thing pushes the envelope to the brink. 

No longer are woman who hang out exclusively with gay men considered "fag-hags" even though this term has gone out of style (somewhat capriciously due to it's negative connotations); but as enlightened individuals who have risen above the bigotry of society. With many "civilized" conjures up images of city life, and people dwelling in a much more urban environment, which has found home to a mecca of homosexual meeting places, burrows and residence to many of the LBGT in society. To then turn that around, and say that those living in more rural setting are uncivilized takes away from the squalor and decadence that city living can bring. 

In Downtown Los Angeles alone, one only has to ride the Metro Rail to find multiple income classes distinctly separated by fashion, decor, geography of residence, and access to transportation and internet. The homosexual population, have been able to network together and use counter culture to retain affluence by using their charm, knowledge of sexual exploits and sexual escapades, fashion sense, and design style towards a powerful position - not only in society at large, but in Hollywood, and across the world. 

At this point to say that the LGBT in society is "being taken advantage of" would be dismissing the more recent to moderately recent events that have slapped a fear of "hate-crimes" being branded on any person who was taking up a position against LGBT in the United States. Elsewhere we see that more rigid structures for male and female roles are set up.  

You see, our voices are modified. With the laws of the land, there are walls that are put up, where people can and can't go - otherwise you find yourself in a peculiar position of arguing your case behind the walls of confinement.  Neither am I suggesting that hate crimes are something that someone should look into - it is a horrible thing to have someone accosted by a group of bullies, and in no way am i defending these individuals who have done this in the past, nor in the future. But what I am saying is that this cry of the victim has placed the homosexual, and LGBT populations in a unique position to be not only relevant in today's political environment, but also to be making quite a bit of fortune of of this pro-gay agenda. 

So too is the LGBT position in society when aligned with the Neo-Atheist bring about a unique opportunity for these two agendas, which on many cases are aligned naturally by their resentment towards the teachings of the Bible, History, and people who have told them that they couldn't do something because it said so in the Bible, to have a HUGE resentment against Christianity in general. 

You don't find LGBT fighting Hinduism or Buddhism, even Islam nearly as much as they fight, what they consider THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT.

My position is that the view of what Christianity is, what it promotes, and how it promotes Christian ideals, has been warped by Capitalism, and by organizations and people looking to gain power and influence over others. The tenants of Christianity are sound, and if you walk the walk, you will find a much more fulfilling life than the decadence that comes with homosexuality. There is a battle waging between LGBT and Christianity, and it seems like homosexuals and the people that find themselves in allegiance with LGBT are putting together quite a campaign to thwart Christian ideals, at least as it pertains to how it has shaped and continues to shape social structure of society. But it's not just Christianity which has operated like this. Many societies have placed men and women in roles of traditional family structures, and kept homosexual as outliers.

However, when it comes to Christianity we need to do better. We need to show God's love more completely. The way that we treat each other needs to be out of love and respect, we need to be salt and light of the world. We need to shine! We need to be courteous of one another, and not only give each other room to breathe, but also have the tact and intelligence to realize when there is an encroachment on the other. If we take away a man's ability to act out in a physical way, then we need to be able to listen to them in other ways. We need to be able to give them a voice, and not bog them down in the machismo of old rituals or belittle men for not living in the box that we have created for them. 

To this day I am amazed when a woman makes a statement that imply's that a man is not a man, because he doesn't act the way that she thinks that he should act. Since when are we getting pushed around and bullied by women, who want to raise us, not to be strong healthy men, but to be weak minded cowering followers of the feminist agenda. It's interesting that now we live in a world where a woman can say whatever she like about a man, and it's alright, but if a man utters a word of dissatisfaction towards a female, or females in general, the feminist camp, and those who fear women's wrath pounce. They pounce and they defend that woman, no matter how wrong she is, or they shun that man for trying to be outspoken against females. Woman band together. And so it is with LGBT.

Do as i say and not as i do seems to be something that everyone is jumping on board with. Lies are all around us. Let's look truthfully and honestly at why we want people to do the things that we want them to do. And let's also think about the children. 

For years the stance of homosexuals has been: "What I'm doing in the privacy of my own home doesn't affect / or concern anyone else." But now it might. If you add children, and if you change the male female roles to encompass homosexual exploits, you now have let out a pandoras box - because what is love? Gays will call love something entirely different than what we have traditionally called love. There may be love within the LGBT movement, but there is a lot of misdiagnosed love as well. Meaning, there is a lot of LUST going around, passing itself off as love. And that is what is feared. Homophobia is a misnomer. We really don't care if you in your own bedroom are sodomizing each-other, or using cunnalingus to the Nth degree. We are concerned when you start abdicating to the courts that these practices is what is right and what we all should be aspiring towards. We are concerned when you start bringing it out of the bedroom and start using your new found orgasmic motivation to build a new society that incorporates homosexuality into every facet. We are concerned when you start acting like LGBT is a race of human beings and liken their struggle to that of the African American's historical plight.

We are concerned when you have no respect for anything we hold to be sacred, and yet you demand we respect your naked pride parades, and your sexual faux pas in front of the children. When you use society like a Sid Meirs Civilizations game, and try to use a culture war to gain followers, and then use that counter culture to emasculate straight men, and promote gay awareness in schools and churches. 

What ever happened to meet up groups? Or going out to the club on Gay night. Is it enough, just to keep the gay agenda in a gay meeting place? Why do gays need to be FLAMING gay everywhere?


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