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RE: San Bernardino Shooters Confirmed As Islamic Terrorists

This is in response to this article, and the statement made by ZH below.

At this point, our president and his team want this anti gun agenda to happen so bad that he's gonna brush this under the rug. This was terrorist attack. I had a hard time sleeping last night because I have a heavy heart. This event was too close to home. Yeah we can pray for the victims but faith without works is dead. We need to take action as well as praying. We want peace, we have to be the first ones to take the steps towards it. War has been waged on American soil. Prepare for what may come. Have a plan with your loved ones in case of a emergency. Get a gun, bat, knife, machete, some type of protection for your household and educate yourselves and your loved ones about your protection. One love fam. - ZH

What is terror exactly? And by that definition is the US Government a terrorist organization? At any rate, while discouraging you of thinking all Muslims are barbaric warmongers, let's shed some light on the situation. Countries are made up of lots of different people - some not so good, some not so bad, and a myriad of in-betweens. There is a thing called Blowback, where a country like the United States does something that from this country's perspective necessitates retaliation. In the case of the USA, we are experts at the SPIN - Look at all our newscasts and tv shows going all over the world. We act like senseless violence is "senseless" like it doesn't have an origin. Like these crazy people came over to our country or to some other country and started killing folks just because they are barbarians and misogynistic Quran thumpers. This oversimplification and under-appreciation is a lie we need to get over. On the homeland, we act like we aren't waging wars as US citizens; like we are impervious to the outside world. Well, we are not. And we aren't impervious to the corruptions of state or national government either. They have guns too!

When talking about the US government, it's tricky, because you don't have freedom of speech, not really. Let's not say what it is specifically, but say they bombed and killed your people, to be appropriately vague. How do you justly retaliate in a corrupt world like ours. Well, we know what the US would do - we went and attacked some other country, created multiple wars, and then in some page 3 article (after a decade of occupation & oppression, laying siege to their people, their history, and their culture) we the American People, (the collective SPIN of we as the United States of America) said: "Oops, that President was a dumbass."

But what do you do if you don't have the military power that the United States has? Which, lets face it - nobody does, As of 2014, the U.S. spends more on its military than the next ten countries combined1. So, I humbly ask: what happens if you don't have Apache's? There has to be an option. I'm looking at YOU United Nations. Oh wait! The US runs the UN. Now what? Superman? Iron Man? Do you see how these Superheroes have relevance? 

I applaud you on your instinct to revisit the Constitution of the United States & the 2nd Amendment, a document that really shouldn't be mentioned in our kangaroo court system anymore, because we've killed every single thing in there over and over again to the point where it's just a vague spector of what it was supposed to be. We don't have rights. Or, I should say, the only rights that we have are the ones that we can equip ourselves with by standing up for and defending till the bitter end, or pay an expensive extortionist lawyer who then greases the wheels of the political system for us to possibly slide by on. People say that the day when we stand up and take back our country is coming. I hope we don't miss out because we fail to realize it's already here.

As a Christian, I imagine there is a way to see violence without picking up the sword. I imagine unlike in Warhammer, a Warrior Priest who seeks to be Righteous by putting on the armor of Christ in all that he does; and actually has Prayers that go out to seek healing and good in a wicked world; waging a campaign against evil  by tapping into the Almighty. Oh that we could be so strong in our faith that instead of picking up assault rifles, we pick up our Logos Bible Software or our ESV Study Bible read the Word, and pray. We tap into Our God and campaign for the souls of all the lost. I had this same debate at your bachelor party, ZH, with my brothers, and with some of your friends. It's an interesting one to be sure. And i don't know if i am right or not. I mean, there is a time for everything under heaven, Ecclesiastes 3 tells us.

And maybe it is the time to war, not as a terrorist, or warmongers but as a citizen and soldiers of truth, defending liberty, freedom, peace and justice for all. By defending righteousness, remaining faithful and true and giving ourselves to the Glory of God, we will overcome all that Satan throws against us. But I shed a tear in even suggesting physically pick up arms to join a blood feud by going head to head against a perceived threat that has us acting as hypocrites. I must also remind everyone that the War for Heaven wages on ... & that Jesus Christ our Lord is our Strength and our Victor.

The religious pluralist in me thinks that getting back our freedoms would be a beautiful thing, but the pacifist in me realizes that there are greater things at stake when we put so many on the front line of disaster without being truthful with ourselves about any of it. There are oh so many directions we can go in. Lucky for us, the body of Christ is many, and varied.


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