October 29, 2012,
0 CommentsRomans 2:1
Therefore you have no excuse, everyone of you who passes judgment, for in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.
I'm having a hard time right now with my parents, who say they are Christian, and in a very hurtful way, they will tell me that my heart is not right, or that i'm not living my life right, or that my problems are a result of not living a good Christian life. I go to Church regularly, up until recently, I would go to Church with my Mom, while my Dad was out surfing. I've read the Bible 4 times, and I know (or at least I can tell when a verse from the Bible is being cited, and) when someone is making up something that sounds like it should be in the Bible, but it isn't. My Dad doesn't read the Bible. And so, I am basically at odds with people who are stuck in the 80's mentality of how the world works (thinking that the government is all good, and that anyone who says otherwise is a communist); and this idea that the elders are right no matter what. I am all about communication. I like to talk things out. My parents like to shove things under the rug. They don't like to talk about things where they aren't in control of the conversation and where they aren't hearing their own views regurgitated back to them.
Their views are basically, we need to fend for ourselves, and be happy that they brought us up in a Christian environment. Like, they are the reason we came in contact with God, or God's love. The love part of the Bible is thrown out, for that one verse, of Honor thy father and mother. So if there is any sort of way that we have an opinion different than theirs - Honor Thy Father And Mother, in their opinion, means we just suck it up and let them be "right"; naturally putting us in the position of wrong. It's interesting, because as much of a Christian as my Dad presents himself to be, he doesn't really learn or present Christian ideals. It's as if he is utilizing Christianity the same way that possibly/arguably Emperor Constantine did - to keep the people meek, so that he could control them better.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18
14Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?15Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?16Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, "I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE.17"Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you.18"And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me," Says the Lord Almighty.
My middle brother has started using the Bible in a very closed off and judgemental way, citing certain things in the news as part of the Revelation (the last book of the Bible); certain public figures (like the President of France) as the Anti-Christ. Yet, now, he is interceded as the voice between me and my parents. He is on their side, and he specifically thinks that I need to "get right with God". These issues I have with them stem from years of resentment which has built from lies, and "deals" that weren't lived up to, also their view of how my life is, or has been, while it seems that they are demonizing me for miscommunication, lashing out in a fit of anger (verbally), and for the ideas they have put into their head as to how my life actually plays out, my parents are not really providing the love that a family should provide. Their response is very basic, and stinks of their agenda, you are wrong, and we are right. We are rich, and you are not.
There are serious issues that have come to surface in our family, and my parents do not want to talk about them. At any rate, what they would like to do is basically just cut me off, and leave me out in the wind without any real dialogue with them. I don't find this to be Christian behavior at all, and it seems that what they are doing is simply using theology to mark me with a SCARLET letter of some kind, for crimes, which i don't believe were crimes in the first place. Neither do they, apparently, so they have reverted to calling it out not as a sin, but as a hardened, and ungodly heart. For some reason they think that my opinion and my view is beyond mentioning, or having. they don't want to hear anything from my side, they just want me to accept their side as God's way. As if they, are likening themselves to God, and anything that I may disagree with, is a direct reflection of me rejecting God - which simply isn't true.
There are serious issues that have come to surface in our family, and my parents do not want to talk about them. At any rate, what they would like to do is basically just cut me off, and leave me out in the wind without any real dialogue with them. I don't find this to be Christian behavior at all, and it seems that what they are doing is simply using theology to mark me with a SCARLET letter of some kind, for crimes, which i don't believe were crimes in the first place. Neither do they, apparently, so they have reverted to calling it out not as a sin, but as a hardened, and ungodly heart. For some reason they think that my opinion and my view is beyond mentioning, or having. they don't want to hear anything from my side, they just want me to accept their side as God's way. As if they, are likening themselves to God, and anything that I may disagree with, is a direct reflection of me rejecting God - which simply isn't true.
Matthew 7:1
"Do not judge so that you will not be judged.
What also is happening in this case is that I am being called out as being un-Christian, but when asked what sins i'm committing, they don't supply me with answers other than my heart isn't right. I need to get right. With God. Translation: i need to think like they do. When I use any other sort of outside comparisons, psychology, history, unjust judicial system, they just chalk this up to excuses, and say that I need to get right with God. I am repeating myself, but only in an attempt to show you the frustration.
I feel like this idea, or this action rather of calling me out as un Christian, when they haven't even read the Bible, nor do they spend much time in the Bible is very hypocritical. I ask them to cite verses, because too often they will say that I'm not behaving in a Christ like manor, but when I ask what would they have me do, they will offer something up that isn't from text from the scriptures. It will be this digested, and manipulated version of what they feel Christianity is. It will have a strange twist of Capitalism, and Reaganism intertwined, and lacking of the love and compassion, and empathy which comes with a life lived in Christ.
Much has to do with rationalizing their behavior, and their wealth, while trying to justify why they don't help out me or my siblings.
The Self-Righteous Christian
Luke 6:42
"Or how can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the speck that is in your eye,' when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother's eye.
What have i learned about myself. Because at this point, it sounds like i'm just a spoiled little brat who didn't get his way, mad at his parents. I learned that trust is important, and hard to build back after it's destroyed. I learned that it's hard to love people. it takes effort, and sacrifice. i learned that truth can be distorted, and that no matter what there is always someone more naive than you are who thinks they know how the world works. I learned that you have to create a strong support system. And that you need to give and give, because if you take and take, you won't have anyone who wants to help you after awhile.
I learned that the world will spit you up and chew you out. And i learned that God is speaks to me when i am hurt and lonely and needy. God speaks to me and tells me that i need to repent and turn from the things that He dislikes. I am sometimes proud, and sometimes horny, and sometimes, defiant, and sometimes pigheaded. I see sins in others, and i need to focus. I need to focus on removing the plank from my eye, and repent for my sins against God.
Revelation 3:19
'Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.
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