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12 Tribes Means Different Inter-connective Ways To Be Christ-like.

i had a kind of realization today that God works through people. And rather than having monocultures, or having people all act the same, all grasping onto the same way of doing things, the Almighty is at work through many different ways in everyone's life. We have to come to terms with His love in our own time, and in our own way, but there were 12 tribes for a reason, and each disciple was very different in his and her personality, persona and each had a different relationship with Jesus. i think today i realized that we aren't going to fully understand the interconnectivity of it all, until ultimately we get it explained to us in heaven.

What can i do with this information? And how much of an epiphany is this anyway. Well, it gives me the power to forgive with an incredible amount of energy because i don't need to figure out what the other person is working on or how God is working within their life. I just need to make sure that I am working with God in my life. I need to glorify Him in any which way that I can.

One of those ways could be trying to influence Christians into getting more in touch with the Word. Finding and lovingly debating different ways we as a community can follow Christ much more effectively. But in this manner, i don't have to totally agree with everything that they are doing for or against Christianity. But, I can focus on how my relationship with them is fulfilling my desire to please my maker.

As a whole I think that Christianity needs more Martyrs. We need more CHRISTIANS - hardcore to the bone lovers of Jesus Christ. And I am trying to find it in myself to figure out real quickly what that means for me and how I can still identify with a church which models itself like a business.

One of the major changes I may have to do is put my money where my mouth is. I've been tinkering with the idea of getting LOGOS GOLD - a program that will help me dive in really deeply into the Bible, and enhance my study by leaps and bounds. I'm wondering if spending over a grand on software like this is very Christian of me. I'm also wondering if it is worth it. Should i just be diving into my Bible more, which of course is free?

And then I wonder why i'm typing my thoughts out right now, and not flipping through pages, and bringing myself to supplication and prayer. I want. And i need to find a way to detach myself from the addiction of capitalism and the acquisition of things and wealth.


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