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The Third Gender & The Fear of Gay Marriage

I've got to say, I don't like it when a woman tells a man what a real man does. But I can appreciate getting into the Bible, so yeah.

This is a continuation of the previous blog. Just to be fair, i don't think Christians overtly are trying to turn this gay marriage debate into a "you need to believe in my God, or you don't get to be married" issue - because they are okay with atheists getting married, and hindus, sikhs, jews, any other religion. i know that it's very popular to be pro-gay right now, just like it's popular to be pro-woman (and particularly woman acting in roles that were generally and stereotypically male roles in decades prior). I didn't mean for anyone to get an unfair amount of pressure for stating their beliefs.

I think that the LGBT community can be a lot more graceful about the way that they go about trying to get their rights. It's as if they are winning this via a culture war, and they've made it UNCOOL to think anything other than the way that they think. WHICH isn't very cool. On the otherhand, i can see how going up against the Christian patriarchy is like a third world nation attempting to win a strike against the United States Military. It's a formidable opponent, and when the gloves come off, i can see how things get bloody.

i'm not trying to fight  you on this - whether you are gay, straight, atheist or faith based religion. i'm just trying to make heads or tails of it. My perspective comes from one that is deeply woven into the Christian perspective. I went to Christian grammer schools and attended Christian Churches - you know like the Suicidal Tendencies song. Much of what I hear from people who don't want to give LGBT their "rights" is from FEAR that LGBT has, and will continue to promote values that aren't morale. They will try and promote a morality that is distinctly different than mine, and yet call it mine (almost as a trick).

Within the sphere of homosexuality there is a large atheistic perspective, and i don't want to get the two confused, since I know that there are people who identify with both LGBT and Christianity, or other faiths, even so much as to being members of the Diocese. This particular blog is not directed at them, I will assume that most LGBT members have an affinity for atheism or secular schools of thought, and are generally resentful of Christianity because of a differing philosophy towards whether or not they should be living a life that celebrates themselves, or a life that celebrates Christ.

Many times i hear the fear in Christianity when many people are looking at the secular world and don't want that as part of their world but don't know how to keep it at bay either. We live in a world where there are conflicting beliefs and converging beliefs.So it's not a my religion vs your religion. But there is something here that nobody is talking about. The gays are claiming to be A PEOPLE. As if they get rights of a RACE, and of a GENDER. And that is something that troubles Christians. Gays are no more a RACE than smurfs are, but i think that you could make a serious argument that they are a gender. And with this third gender, they want to get married. Christians, and generally people of faith see this as a lie against what truthfully, visibly, distinctly and biologically traits of man and woman; and their societal and cultural roles.

But is it as simple as just getting over it? There are complicated issues at stake here. 

There is a certain monoculture at play here, a powerplay between what is and what ought to be. On one hand Christians in politics are trying to push for laws that will allow them to bring their children up in safe environments where their homosexual messages will not be as prevalent as the values that they share.  What is the homosexual message. Celebrate Self! (that's the most positive way i can put it). And when i put it that way, you can nod your head if you are gay, or if you are straight. Gays like to be "themselves" and feel like nobody should tell them that they can't. Where is this problematic. Well, in the long run. Just like when hippies had to deal with other hippies, gays are going to have to deal with other gays if in fact they win out this argument and it becomes the monoculture. Less babies through traditional means, and more adoptions to persons that wouldn't have been able to have a baby even if their parts were working right (namely gays).

Much of the Christian argument  comes from the miscommunication of what is Christlike. There is a huge segment of people who claim to be Christians who don't act, or aren't acting like Christ would have acted. And there are Churches who are taking the message of Jesus Christ, and distorting it, to be this selfish, money grabbing, adventure for power, nobility and respect. And there is a legal part to this issue, where people who want to be able to live their life married, are pit against people who want them to live their life single - as in haven't found a family to call their own. Without gay people, the system works fluidly. You are single, unless you get married - then you are married. It gets marred because gay people don't do relationships or commitment the same way that single people do - or that's the position a lot of people are taking. Gay people are okay with a little infidelity, or a little free love; is what we are hearing from people's fears. Straight people aren't. And yet straight people when they don't know that people are watching are committing the same exact offenses they are claiming of the gay populations.

So there are multiple rights involved. It's best applied as a quick anecdote. It's as if a gay person saw what living the straight life was going to be like and said: FUCK THAT, but then later on, wanted to get in on the God action, but didn't want to change who they were. LGBT is not about changing who you are, it is about CRYING OUT TO THE WOLD: THIS IS ME!!,

Whereas Christianity IS ABOUT CHANGING WHO YOU ARE, it is about putting on the Amour (spelled right: Amour instead of Armor - like the french word for love) of Christ.

So this fear that LGBT is taking things and changing them into unholy versions of something else is prevalent. Not everything can be good, because then what would be bad. And not everything can be gay, because what would be straight. And this has been something that has slowly brewing into a powder keg since Ellen DeGeneres outed herself on national television. Gay people want it to be okay to be gay. And in a sense, it is. But isn't it okay to be Christian? Some gay people would say, no.

Men who want to be considered females can take some drugs and many people will call them "Ghuuuurl" when they wear something feminine. Or men in drag can be found as well. There is this FEAR that LGBT will start adopting kids, and making their own army of followers, to subvert the Christian rule. But that's already happened. And the "so-called-Christian" rule, has been a bloody and ruthless Do as i say and not as i do's. But in defense of Christians, that is not the way that Jesus Christ taught was The Way.


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