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Not Congruent: A Response to FB Red Equal Symbol Marriage Equality Profile Picture Protest

Some good points on redefining marriage. I saw everyone changing their FB picture to the red equal symbol, and so I decided to change mine to the "not congruent" symbol. I used white text in a slate black field.

  • D Does that mean you do not support gay Marriage?
    35 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • me: i have some issues with it. i think my issues with it involve things that would occur after gay marriage is legalized acrossed the board - such as in regards to children, and loopholes that would now be created in terms of tax money expenditure/exploitation.

    Do i think two gays should be able to love each other - yes. (but they can do that now). i don't like the manipulation of the word marriage - either in english, or in terms of the courtroom. i think homosexuals should get a new word.

    Do i think that they should get some of the other perks associated with the nuclear family - idk. i'm on the fence; leaning towards no. i like lumping them in with single people. 

    Do i think that they are a third gender, or a new race - no. Most of my protest is to the way that they are handling this whole "inequality". I don't believe that their screaming, counter-culture, wave of coolness should judicate, eradicate, expunge, or even degrade those whose thoughts are not inline with theirs. And i don't see it as a civil rights issue - or at least not to the extent that they would see it. 

    I think it's a travesty that they compare their plight getting a marriage license with that of the African American Slave Trade.
  • A: Biting my tongue....
  • me: i know, it would have been much easier if i mentioned religion
  • A Ugh!
  • A Stop while you're ahead...
  • me: see this is where the monoculture kicks in. i know that this position of mine isn't popular. especially not with the gays. why would it be? they want what they want - and they are pretty good at getting it. 

    But you, D, asked me what i thought (es
    sentially, what i believe to be true) and although i have LGBT friends, relatives, family members - and would love to be at their wedding ceremonies, i don't think i should have to jump into the BORG conversion process, just because we see things differently. 

    And, i don't think that my statements are harsh or cruel in any sense of the word. we just disagree, A. you used to be able to do that.
  • D: I think the government should not give out any marriage licences to anyone. But i do think they should give out civil unions to all people gay and straight.
  • D: I will talk to later about this and not on Facebook.
    7 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • A: We can disagree. But I don't have to like what you're saying ;0)


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