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"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
- Verbal Kint (The Usual Suspects 1995)

One of the things I find hard about "debating" with Atheists is that they generally will use anononimity when talking points about the evils of society come up. Any "bad man" or "bad deed" committed by an atheist goes without judgement, while they seemingly stand as judge, jury, & executioner of God, Jesus, and anyone who doesn't bend to their school of thought, which they unceremoniously call "SCIENCE".

Honestly, It's like arguing with a two year old. MINE. MINE.

You just have to sit em in the corner and let time deal with this one. Interestingly enough, politics of some situations renders this nearly impossible. And they all feel they have THE RIGHT to trump card your belief system because they don't believe in angels, or anything bigger than they are.

When you get right to it, it's pride we are talking about, and this is exactly what Satanism is all about. Interesting thing: Anton Levay wrote the Satanic Bible, which doesn't call for people to "hail Satan" but merely to do as one wants through individualism &  epicureanism. [Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of Epicurus, founded around 307 BC. Epicurus was an atomic materialist, following in the steps of Democritus. His materialism led him to a general attack on superstition and divine intervention. - from Wikipedia] Focus on you, an eye for an eye, these are not loving principles.

In The Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey describes Satan as a motivating and balancing dark force in nature. Satan is also described as being the "Black Flame", representing a person's own inner personality and desires. Satan is seen as synonymous with the nature and even, metaphorically, with certain conceptions of a supreme deity or God.

In his most important essay, "Satanism: The Feared Religion", the Church of Satan's current leader Peter H. Gilmore states:
“Satanists do not believe in the supernatural, in neither God nor the Devil. To the Satanist, he is his own God. Satan is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates. The reality behind Satan is simply the dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things. Satan is not a conscious entity to be worshiped, rather a reservoir of power inside each human to be tapped at will. Thus any concept of sacrifice is rejected as a Christian aberration—in Satanism there’s no deity to which one can sacrifice."

By appealing to greed and self-serving principles, as well as belittling any real good that is accomplished through Christianity, or by Christians - note that any evidence produced by men or women who identify as Christians is somehow suspect to intense scrutiny, and or removed from the "scientific research" - LaVeyan Satanism roots out a key method to seemingly undermine God without much effort - not by converting others to the tenants or a new belief system, but merely by enticing them to be greedy for their own sake. [

Another thing: It's hard to be a Christian. Early Christians were martyrs in training. They understood giving their lives to God, because at the time, in their day, Christians were being stoned, killed, ridiculed and persecuted in ferocious ways. Much persecution is still out there for believers in THE WAY; the Truth, & the Light.

And what's even more humbling . . . any believer, or person who has walked into a church ever who does something noticeably unChristian while wearing a cross around their neck becomes the poster child for why Christians are so "evil". Atheists are out there documenting, misreading the scripture - taking things out of context, and dividing the tribes against each other. It reminds me of "In the Mouth of Madness".

Be vigilant. This is not SCIENCE. Be at peace. God is with you. Be loved. Jesus Saves.


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